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  • Writer's picturealicecoldbreath

Coming Soon! New full length Novel

Updated: Jul 29, 2020

Coming very soon! A new full-length novel from Alice Coldbreath:

Mina’s well-ordered life is thrown into disarray when her father drops a bombshell on his deathbed, she has a brother she never knew of. Not only that, he is on his way to rescue her from the collapse of their school under a mountain of debts.

A wild journey across country later, Mina finds herself thrown at the feet of the brutish William Nye, prize-fighter and owner of a disreputable inn, The Merry Harlot. Respectable Mina is appalled to find herself obliged to wed this surly stranger!

Forced to draw on reserves of inner strength she never knew she possessed, Mina uncovers perilous secrets and bravely carves herself a new life at the side of this man, as she proves herself a more than worthy partner for the prize-fighter.

A Bride for the Prize-fighter is a stand-alone Victorian romance novel of over 118,000 words. Please do not purchase if you are offended by strong language and or sex scenes.

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Facebook Q & A Session

Q. Anne: Have you chosen your next book subject, and if so, have you started it yet? I love your books. A. Hi Anne, thank you so much....


Jun 25, 2021


I've loved reading all your Karadok and Prizefighter books during lockdown. I noticed Mina and Nye's story, is the only one written from the POV of the woman only. Curious as to why that's the case?

Thanks again for creating these wonderful books!


Jun 26, 2021
Replying to

Hi Suzanne, thanks so much for your feedback. So glad my books have entertained you over lockdown. For the first Prizefighter book, I wanted to try my hand at writing a sort of gothic-mystery romance where the heroine is completely at sea and finding her way. I felt that including Nye's POV would take away any element of mystery, as it would immediately reveal his involvement with the smuggling ring etc. So it was a different approach for me, and I enjoyed it very much, but a lot of my readers really missed the dual POV on that one!


Imaette Ruth Ekere
Imaette Ruth Ekere
Mar 29, 2021

Please is this coming to audible?

Mar 29, 2021
Replying to

Yes! It will be coming out as an audiobook this year (and the sequel also), though I have not been given a release date for these yet.


apoorva verma
apoorva verma
Jul 08, 2020

It's written by you, I have NO DOUBT that I'll love itttt


Jul 07, 2020

I really hope you enjoy it Apoorva and that it's worth the wait!


apoorva verma
apoorva verma
Jul 07, 2020

I can't wait until my exam season is over so I can FINALLYYYYYY read this book

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