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Brides of Karadok Series

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WED BY PROXY- Brides of Karadok Book 1


​Thrice wedded, but never bedded, Mathilde Martindale has long lived in the shadow of her indomitable mother, and meekly done as she was told. Until one day she decides to become mistress of her own destiny and leave the royal court to find her own path.

Married by proxy, Lord Martindale has never even met his bride of three years. Wed as part of a peace treaty, he bitterly resents the mercenary wife who cares only for wealth and prestige. And then he meets her...



THE UNLOVELY BRIDE -Brides of Karadok Book 2

Lenora Montmayne leads a charmed life as the most beautiful woman at King Wymer's court, surrounded by ardent admirers.  And then disaster strikes.  The red plague sweeps the summer palace at Caer-Lyoness and Lenora's fair face falls victim to its ravages.  Without her looks, what does Lenora have left to her?


If ever there was a knight the crowd loves to hate, it's Garman Orde.  Even his own family despises him.  Then one night a heavily veiled lady offers him an extraordinary bargain.  And he finds out that Lenora Montmayne was never just a pretty face.







THE CONSOLATION PRIZE - Brides of Karadok Book 3


Princess Una harbors no illusions about her claims to Karadok’s throne. The last of her ill-fated line, she is just grateful she emerged from the dark days of war with her head still on her shoulders. After three years under house arrest, she is keen to start her own life afresh, hopefully in relative obscurity. What she does not realize is extraordinary scheme the King has devised to find her a suitable bridegroom.

Armand de Bussell is a rogue who shirks his duties and does as he pleases. How anyone could think him fit for a princess is a mystery to him. He neither wants nor needs a wife in his life. At least… that’s what he always thought before he met the Blechmarsh princess.


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Aimee Ankatel, youngest daughter to the richest merchant in all Karadok only has eyes for the heavily scarred Lord Kentigern. A ferocious competitor, her heart beats louder when she watches him compete in the field. Not one of the handsome knights of Karadok draws her admiration like he does.

When her father lends funds to the Crown and promises her a glittering match with a nobleman, she daydreams of making the ill-fated knight fall in love with her. After all, if Aimee’s Father buys back Kentigern’s lands and castle for a dowry, surely that would make her an acceptable bride to him?

Any idealistic dreams of youth Kentigern once had were lost long ago in battle, when he was disfigured and blinded in one eye. His destiny was a cruel one, his homelands confiscated for his part in the Northern uprising, he ekes out a lonely nomadic existence, travelling from one tournament to another.

Never would he have dreamed that all he had once lost could be put in his hand again by some upstart merchant wanting a stud and a title for his pretty daughter. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined a reversal of fortune that included a wife like Aimee.




Never did Sabina Burrell imagine that foiling a plot against her sister would lead to her having to wed the arrogant Sir Jeffree de Crecy. She has never met such a loathsome man, and that included her late husband.

Proud Sir Jeffree, raised in the expectation of succeeding to his uncle’s title, is appalled to become ensnared in a scheme to discredit his uncle’s intended bride. The whole thing is beneath his dignity, as is the shameless young widow who denounces him in front of everyone and makes him look a fool!

Jeffree will do anything to salvage his honour, even if it means wedding a woman he despises. Revenge will be sweet indeed, ensuring Sabina pays for what she did. What he does not anticipate, is that his own long-prized vow of chastity will be so very sorely tried…


AN INCONVENIENT VOW - Brides of Karadok Book 5


Alisander de Balon, fifth Viscount Bardulf is a lot of things.  Ambassador.  Diplomat.  Spy.  He is also bored as hell at the Argent King’s court.  His only diversion these days is tormenting staid Jane Cecil, the Queen’s favorite Lady-in-Waiting.  Seeing her vexed amuses him more than any royal entertainment.


Jane has finally found her place at Court, and it is among the Queen’s retinue.  All she wants to do is faithfully serve Her Majesty, something she could do in peace if it was not for the Queen’s countryman, Viscount Bardulf, who seems to delight in baiting her!  


Neither Bardulf nor Jane could have foreseen the sudden tragedy that leads to their hasty union and certainly, neither of them could have anticipated that they would fall so easily into different roles… that of husband and wife.


THE FAVOURITE - Brides of Karadok Book 6

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